It is overcast and 67°.

Outside, the yardwork has been done – attending to the pool, raking and scooping leaves, feeding the birds.

The dogs have had their romp in the yard, running full blast and chasing each other around the perimeter of saltwater.

I’m halfway through my radiation treatments, and I’m tired.

The humidity is a delightful 52%. All too soon, it will be too humid to go outside without being cloaked head to toe in moisture.

While the breeze is sweet, and the air is dry, I open the French doors from the kitchen and the master suite – opened to the screened in porch.

For a few minutes, at least, the air conditioner/heater can be turned off.

These are the moments I savor.

The constant background noise of the pool, fountain, and waterfalls.

The peep of tiny birds heading to the feeder.

The comfortably cool breeze passing through the doors that are normally closed to it.

I’ve got the heating pad on my aching joints, and a book in my hands to read.

First, though, I close my eyes and listen. Feel. Appreciate.

Summer seems far far away.

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